
– علاقه مصر بالعرب وبدول المغرب العربي اولا الامازيغ

– علاقه مصر


من هم الامازيغ ومن اين جاااء الاسم

التوانسه والجزائر والمغرب


والامازيغ امهم مصريه الام مصريه



مازغ ابن كنعان

ابن عم سيدنا ابراهيم نبي الله

ومازغ ابن كنعان
تزوج من

سيده مصريه من منطقه سيوه علي الاغلب


منهم الامازيغ

وينتسبون لمصر من ناحيه الام

ثانيا الاكراد

هم ابناء كيدر ابن نبي الله اسماعيل

ابن سيدنا ابراهيم عليهما السلام

فقد كان

لنبي الله اسماعيل

احد عشر ولد من الذكور ومنهم

كيدر ابو الاكراد

فالاكراد اولاد عمومه لنا

جميعا ويشتركون معنا في النسب والعرق

ويجب ان نفرق بين

اللغه والجنسيه والعرق

فمن الممكن ان يكون لك احد الاعمام

ويسافر اوربا ويتزوج وينجب اطفال

اكيد اولاده

سيحصلون علي جنسيه الدوله

التي ولدوا فيها واكيد سيتكلمون لغتها

انجليزيه فرنسيه اسبانيه ايا كانت

– —————- اذااا ————————

هناك فرق بين اللغه وبين الجنسيه وبين


الاكراد ايا كانت لغتهم او جنسيتهم فان

عرقهم من نسل

سيدنا اسماعيل والسيده

هاجر المصريه

نبي الله اسماعيل والعرب

من المعروف ان والد سيدنا اسماعيل هو

سيدنا ابراهيم

وسيدنا ابراهيم لم يكن

عربى ولم يكن يتكلم

اللغه العربيه

كان كنعانيا

وان صحف ابراهيم في

التوراه ليست باللغه


وان نبى الله اسماعيل ليس عربيا وليس ابو


ولكنه ابو العرب المستعربه

او كما يقال العرب العاربه

وان نبى الله اسماعيل تربى بين قبيله عربيه

وتعلم منهم اللغه العربيه

وامه السيده هاجر عليها السلام

كانت مصريه ولم تكن عربيه

اذا الابوان غير عرب ولا يتكلمون العربيه

ولكن نبى الله اسماعيل تربى بين العرب فى

بيئه عربيه وتعلم اللغه العربيه من القبائل


وان العرب كانوا قبل نبى الله اسماعيل

ان نبى الله اسماعيل هو الاب للفرع

الاسماعيلى اى بنى اسماعيل

وهم العرب المستعربه او العاربه


نبى الله اسماعيل

مصريه زوجه نبي الله اسماعيل و قريبه

السيده هاجر وتقول بعض

الرويات ان هاجر خاله لزوجه نبي الله

اسماعيل اي انه تزوج ابنت خالته

والجده لاب مصريه وهي السيده هاجر

اذا هناك فرق بين العرب الاصلين والعرب


والفرع الاسماعيلى او بنى اسماعيل

الذى يقابلهم بنى اسرائيل ابناء نبى الله


اذا غالبيه الموجدين حاليا ويسكنون البلاد

العربيه هم بنى اسماعيل

وابناء نبى الله اسماعيل اذا هو ابو الجنس

الاسماعيلى العرب المستعربه

فان كان يطلق مجازا على سكان المنطقه

العربيه الان عرب فابوهم نبى الله اسماعيل

وامهم وجدتهم مصريتان

اذا كل العرب الموجودين الان ينتسبون لمصر وليس مصر من تنسب اليهم

واذا نسبنا الي البطون كما يقول النسابه

والمتخصصون في علوم النسب

بطون العرب

فاذا نسبنا الي البطن اذا كل الموجودين

الان ويسكنون منطقه الوطن العربي

مصريون من ناحيه الام

وعندما فتح عمر بن العاص مصر

وجاء معه المسلمون من اهل الجزيره


فهم ليسو اغراااب علي مصر بل هم

مصريون من ناحيه الام

————— وكذلك ——————

تزوج النبي محمد عليه الصلاه والسلام من

السيده ماريا المصريه

اذا اصبح هناك نسب قرابه وصله من ناحيه

الام حيث ان نبي الله اسماعيل

جدا لسيدنا محمد نبي الاسلام وكذلك


السيده هاجر المصريه

اذا محمد رسول الله نبي الاسلام

مصري من ناحيه الام فيقال في اللغه


الام وام الام وان علت فالجده لام يقال

عليها ام

وايضا اصبحت قرابه جديده للنبي بمصر

بالمصاهره من الزواج بالسيده ماريا


فاي شرف لمصر ولاهل مصر فهم اصل

العرب وكل العرب ينتسبون لمصر وليس

مصر من تنتسب لهم

———— فمن ————————-

يتعالي علي مصر

او يدعي انه من الاشراف

فليعلم ان نبي الاسلام

الذي ارسله الله رب

العالمين واصطفاه

مصريا من ناحيه الام

وان من يقولون انهم من الاشراف

استمدو الشرف من مصر


Egypt’s relationship

In the Arabs and in the Arab Maghreb countries

First, the amazigh


Who are the amazig and where the name came from?

Tawanasah, Algeria and Morocco


And the Amazig is the mother of Egypt, the mother of Egypt

Keep them going.

And their gosh

Mazg Ibn Kanaan

Our cousin Ibrahim, the Prophet of God

Mazg Ibn Kanaan

Marry who?

Egyptian master from his logic mostly swim.

He came and came

Of them, the Amazig

And they belong to Egypt, for his part, the mother.

II, Kurds


They are Kaider sons, son of Allah, Ismail

Our son Ibrahim, peace be upon them

It was

To God’s Prophet Ismail

Eleven boys and all of them

Kider Abou Al-Akrad

Falkrad is our general kids.

All of them and share in descent and race with us.

And we have to make a difference between.

Language, sex and race

You could have a general.

He travels on Orba and marries and gives birth to children

I’m sure he’s kids

They’ll have his nationality of the states.

In which they were born, they would certainly speak her language.

English French Spanish whatever it is.

– ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

There is a difference between language and sex and between.


The Kurds, whatever their language or nationality,

Their race is from us

Our master Ismail and Mr.

Hajar Al-Masri

We want God Ismail and Arabs


It is known that our father is Mr. Ismail.

Our master Ibrahim

Our son Ibrahim was not.

He didn’t speak Arabic

Arabic language.

He was Kanaania

And the newspapers of Ibrahim are in

The Torah is not in language.


And that the Proved of God Ismail is not Arab and not Abu

The Arabs

But he is the Arab Arab’s father.

Or, as the Arabs say, the Arabs

And if the Proved of God Ismail, he is raised between his tribe, Arabs

And you learn from them Arabic

And his master’s mom, peace be upon her

She was Egyptian and she wasn’t Arab.

So the Fathers are not Arab and they don’t speak Arabic.

But the prophend of Allah Ismail is an educated Arab in

His environment is Arab and learns the Arabic language from the tribes


And that the Arabs were before God’s prophement is Ismail

If God’s prophement is Ismail, the Fr. of the branch.

Asmaila, who is the building of Ismail?

And they are Arabs who are Arabs or Arabs.


Ismail, the Proved of God

And the mom

Egyptian is his wife, we want God Ismail and his relative

Mr. Hajer and you say

The Rawyyat is to emigrate his uncle to his spouse, we want God.

Ismail, he married his aunt’s daughter

His grandfather is Lab El-Egri, and she is Mr. Hagar.

Then there is a difference between the original Arabs and the Arabs.

The Arab

The Ismaili Branch or Ismail Buildings

The one who meets them is the building of Israel, children of God’s Proved one


So, now they’re the most present and they live in the country

The Arabic is the building of Ismail

And the son of God’s prophend is Ismail, if he is the father of sex.

Asma’i Al-Arabi Arab Arabs

If he’s a metaphor on the people of the logic

The Arabic now is Arabic, and they are the one who is the Proved of God, Ismail

And they found them Egyptian.

So all the Arabs present now belong to Egypt, not Egypt, who is attributed to them.

And if we’re attributed to the hero, as the angles say.

Specialists in the sciences of birth

Battun al-Arab

“If we attributed to the abdomen, then all the people are.”

And now they live in their logic, the Arab nation

Egyptian, for his part, the mother

And when Omar bin Al-Aas opened Egypt


The Muslims came with him from the people of Al-Jazeera.


They’re not a Graab on Egypt, they are.

Egyptian, for his part, the mother

———— and———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

The Prophet Mohammed marries peace be upon him

Mr. Maria El-Masri

“If he becomes, there are proportions of his teles in his own way.”

The mother where we want God Ismail

To our Lord Mohammed, the Prophet of Islam, and also


Mr. Hajer Al-Masri

So Mohammed is the Prophet of God, the Prophet of Islam

Egyptian, on his part, the mother, is in the language


Mother and mother, if she talls, the grandfather has not been said

Is it on her or?

And also a new telly to the Prophet in Egypt.

With the smelting of marriage with Mr. Maria.

The Egyptian

Fae is honor for Egypt, and does Egypt understand, it is original


The Arabs and all Arabs belong to Egypt, not


Egypt, who is affiliated with them?


———— from———————————

Come to Egypt

Or he claims to be supervised.

Let’s know that we want Islam.

The one sent by God, I pray

The Worlds and Hiss

For Egypt, from his part, the mother

And that those who say they are from supervision.


Honored from Egypt


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